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Our team name is: Green Citizens.                                              
           School:British College La Cañada 

Participants:María Herrero,Josep Jorgue,María José Quilis,Ivan Cascales,Paula Guerra,Olga Acera,Armando Lázaro,Ángel encinas and Cayetano Del Amo.              Project name:Green City 

Description:An application that you can win many prizes while helping the environment, is a simple social network in which you upload photos of acts helping the environment and if you become very famous or create a lot of content you can win prizes.


Project Steps (28 may 2022, 22_11) (1).MOV 37 MB
Copy of Idea final, 3 pasos.odt 19 kB
Copy of Copy of Green City español.odp 2.6 MB


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